The Assembly Meets Governor Elect’s Transition Committee

IMG_6197.JPGOn December 14, 2017, all newly elected assembly members met at the Governor Elect Benjamin Iskawa’s residence in Koror for the first time.  The meeting purpose was to discuss possible dates for the upcoming state inauguration. The assembly was greeted by the Transition and Inauguration Committee in which plans were shared for the event.

The Transition and Inauguration Committee is composed of former Senator of Palau and Chairman of the committee Mr. Steven Kanai.  Members include Mr. Johnny Sokau, Legislator Jefferson Matul, Mr. John Mengidab, and the Ngaraard State Legislative Clerk, Magario Watchi.

IMG_6198The meeting proved beneficial as all agreed to the intent of the ceremony and suggested to meet again to finalize dates and agree on the event organization.

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